StartT_Agglomerations › BGAG63427_00

aggBeginLife 12/22/11 00:00:00
aggBeginLife_original 2011-12-22
aggC1 96
aggC2 4
aggCalculation calculated
aggChanges no
aggChangesComment Data available from Regional Feasibility Study
aggCode BGAG63427_00
aggForecast 20161231
aggGenerated 157148
aggLatitude 43.844532
aggLongitude 25.953907
aggMethodC1 E
aggMethodC2 E
aggMethodWithoutTreatment E
aggName Ruse
aggNUTS BG323
aggPercPrimTreatment 4
aggPercSecTreatment 4
aggPercStringentTreatment 4
aggPeriodOver 20101231000000
aggState 1
bigCityID BG016
repCode BG2020
rptMStateKey BG
aggDateArt3 12/31/10 00:00:00
aggDateArt4 12/31/10 00:00:00
aggDateArt5 12/31/10 00:00:00

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucUwwCode BGCO63427_00_01 aucUwwName Kanalizacia Ruse
aucUwwCode BGWT63427_00_01 aucUwwName UWWTP Ruse

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPS)
uwwCode BGCO63427_00_01 uwwName Kanalizacia Ruse