StartT_Agglomerations › CZAG592102

aggC1 95
aggC2 5
aggCalculation E
aggChanges no
aggCode CZAG592102
aggGenerated 2466
aggLatitude 49.0887
aggLongitude 17.3068
aggMethodC1 E
aggMethodC2 E
aggMethodWithoutTreatment E
aggName Buchlovice
aggNUTS CZ072
aggPeriodOver 20101231000000
aggState 1
repCode 259
rptMStateKey CZ
aggDateArt3 12/31/10 00:00:00
aggDateArt4 12/31/10 00:00:00

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucUwwCode CZ7207-615625-00290866-4/1U aucUwwName COV Buchlovice

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPS)