StartT_Agglomerations › ES8130530003010

aggBeginLife 01/01/98 00:00:00
aggBeginLife_original 1998-01-01
aggC1 100
aggCalculation ESTIMADO
aggChanges no
aggCode ES8130530003010
aggForecast 20071231
aggGenerated 73200
aggLatitude 38.99263
aggLongitude -3.36356
aggMethodC1 E
aggMethodC2 E
aggMethodWithoutTreatment E
aggNUTS ES422
aggPeriodOver 19990101000000
aggSewageNetwork C
aggState 1
repCode 1
rptMStateKey ES
aggDateArt3 12/31/98 00:00:00
aggDateArt4 12/31/98 00:00:00
aggDateArt5 12/31/98 00:00:00

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucUwwCode ES8130530003010E aucUwwName MANZANARES-MEMBRILLA

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPS)