StartT_Agglomerations › LV01004

aggC1 97.3
aggC2 2.7
aggCalculation General calculation scheme
aggChanges no
aggCode LV01004
aggGenerated 709797
aggLatitude 56.9473
aggLongitude 24.1067
aggMethodC1 E
aggMethodC2 E
aggMethodWithoutTreatment E
aggName Rīga
aggNUTS LV006
aggPeriodOver 20081231000000
aggRemarks It shall be taken into account that Mārupe, Ķekava, Jūrmala and Garkalne municipality discharge wastewater into Riga centralised collection system. Therefore a number in the column "aggGenerated" reflects pollution load created also outside Riga agglomeration.
aggState 1
bigCityID LV004
repCode LV007
rptMStateKey LV
aggDateArt3 12/31/08 00:00:00
aggDateArt4 12/31/08 00:00:00
aggDateArt5 12/31/08 00:00:00

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucUwwCode LV100175 aucUwwName BAI "Daugavgrīva"

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPS)
uwwCode LV100175 uwwName BAI "Daugavgrīva"