aggAccOverflows | 1 |
aggBeginLife | 01/01/12 00:00:00 |
aggBeginLife_original | 2012-01-01 |
aggBestTechnicalKnowledge | 1 |
aggC1 | 80.73 |
aggC2 | 0.2 |
aggCalculation | Calculation which includes resident population, economic activities, tourism, seasonal changes (connected or not), industries discharging into networks/WWWTP (max average weekly loads) |
aggCapacity | 1 |
aggChanges | yes |
aggChangesComment | the agglomeration has changed the composition(Aninoasa and Razvad localitys was included in Targoviste agg) |
aggCode | ROAG_65342 |
aggExistMaintenancePlan | 1 |
aggExplanationOther | daily inspections and external control of the sewage network, internal control of the sewage and repairs |
aggForecast | 20101231 |
aggGenerated | 111817 |
aggLatitude | 44.922029 |
aggLongitude | 25.456533 |
aggMethodC1 | C |
aggMethodC2 | E |
aggMethodWithoutTreatment | C |
aggName | Targoviste |
aggNUTS | RO313 |
aggOtherMeasures | 1 |
aggPercWithoutTreatment | 19.07 |
aggPeriodOver | 20101231000000 |
aggSewageNetwork | B |
aggState | 1 |
aggVideoInspections | 1 |
repCode | RO07 |
rptMStateKey | RO |
aggDateArt3 | 12/31/10 00:00:00 |
aggDateArt4 | 12/31/10 00:00:00 |
aggDateArt5 | 12/31/10 00:00:00 |
aucUwwCode | RO3DB_56 | aucUwwName | ROWP Compania de Apa Dambovita - suc Targoviste (SUD) |
aucUwwCode | ROWP_65342_01 | aucUwwName | ROWP Compania de Apa Dambovita - suc Targoviste (NORD) |
uwwCode | ROWP_65342_01 | uwwName | ROWP Compania de Apa Dambovita - suc Targoviste (NORD) |
uwwCode | RO3DB_56 | uwwName | ROWP Compania de Apa Dambovita - suc Targoviste (SUD) |