StartT_Agglomerations › SKA8110655

aggBeginLife 12/31/05 00:00:00
aggBeginLife_original 2005-12-31
aggC1 55.56
aggC2 43.09
aggCalculation Sum of inhabitants and industry contributions expressed in PE60
aggChanges no
aggCode SKA8110655
aggGenerated 7450
aggLatitude 48.42
aggLongitude 21.97
aggMethodC1 C
aggMethodC2 E
aggMethodWithoutTreatment E
aggName Kralovsky Chlmec
aggNUTS SK042
aggPercWithoutTreatment 1.35
aggPeriodOver 20081231000000
aggRemarks project finished in 2020, gradual connection of inhabitants on collection system
aggState 1
repCode SK7
rptMStateKey SK
aggDateArt3 12/31/08 00:00:00
aggDateArt4 12/31/08 00:00:00

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucUwwCode SKCAO81106555284471 aucUwwName COV Kralovsky Chlmec

Connected to the following UWWTPS (table T_UWWTPS)
uwwCode SKCAO81106555284471 uwwName COV Kralovsky Chlmec