StartT_UWWTPS › BGWT10971_00_01

repCode BG2020
rptMStateKey BG
uwwBeginLife 09/27/19 00:00:00
uwwBOD5Perf P
uwwCapacity 56000
uwwCode BGWT10971_00_01
uwwCODPerf P
uwwCollectingSystem ISCON
uwwInformation New UWWTP, partially not compliant monitoring data yet
uwwLatitude 43.9550167
uwwLoadEnteringUWWTP 36634
uwwLongitude 22.8641611
uwwMethodWasteWaterTreated M
uwwName UWWTP Vidin
uwwNRemoval 1
uwwNTotPerf F
uwwNUTS BG311
uwwOtherTreatment 1
uwwPRemoval 1
uwwPrimaryTreatment 1
uwwPTotPerf F
uwwRemarks Construction works completed
uwwSecondaryTreatment 1
uwwState 1
uwwTSSPerf P
uwwUV 1
uwwWasteWaterTreated 557480

Connected to the following Agglomerations (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucAggCode BGAG10971_00 aucAggName Vidin