repCode DE_UWWT_2018
rptMStateKey DE
uwwBOD5Perf P
uwwCapacity 550000
uwwCode DETP_SN591
uwwCODPerf P
uwwCollectingSystem ISCON
uwwLatitude 51.35819
uwwLoadEnteringUWWTP 681212
uwwLongitude 12.3363
uwwMethodWasteWaterTreated C
uwwName Rosental
uwwNDischargeCalculated 318
uwwNIncomingCalculated 2698
uwwNRemoval 1
uwwNTotPerf P
uwwOther 1
uwwOtherTreatment 1
uwwPDischargeEstimated 17
uwwPIncomingEstimated 365
uwwPRemoval 1
uwwPrimaryTreatment 1
uwwPTotPerf P
uwwSecondaryTreatment 1
uwwSpecification Deammonifikation
uwwState 1
uwwWasteWaterTreated 37296357

Connected to the following Agglomerations (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucAggCode DEAG_SN3187 aucAggName Verdichtungsgebiet Stadt Leipzig
aucAggCode DEAG_SN3196 aucAggName Verdichtungsgebiet Lpz-Lindenthal
aucAggCode DEAG_SN3374 aucAggName Vdg. Burghausen-Rückmarsdorf
aucAggCode DEAG_SN3380 aucAggName Vdg. L-Böhlitz-Ehrenberg
aucAggCode DEAG_SN3384 aucAggName Vdg. L-Lützschena-Stahmeln
aucAggCode DEAG_SN3385 aucAggName Vdg. L-Mölkau
aucAggCode DEAG_SN3386 aucAggName Vdg. L-Engelsdorf