StartT_UWWTPS › DK4931202

repCode DK2018
rptMStateKey DK
uwwBOD5Perf P
uwwBODDischargeMeasured 1
uwwBODIncomingMeasured 16
uwwCapacity 6000
uwwCODDischargeMeasured 5
uwwCode DK4931202
uwwCODIncomingMeasured 47
uwwCODPerf P
uwwCollectingSystem ISCON
uwwLatitude 54.93682982
uwwLoadEnteringUWWTP 745
uwwLongitude 10.25258984
uwwMethodWasteWaterTreated M
uwwNIncomingMeasured 3
uwwNTotPerf NR
uwwNUTS DK031
uwwOtherPerf NR
uwwOtherTreatment 1
uwwPIncomingMeasured 1
uwwPRemoval 1
uwwPrimaryTreatment 1
uwwPTotPerf P
uwwSecondaryTreatment 1
uwwState 1
uwwWasteWaterTreated 139450

Connected to the following Agglomerations (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucAggCode DK712 aucAggName SØBY