StartT_UWWTPS › IETP_D0003

aggCode IEAG_D0003
repCode IE2018
rptMStateKey IE
uwwBOD5Perf P
uwwCapacity 15000
uwwCode IETP_D0003
uwwCODPerf P
uwwCollectingSystem ISCON
uwwLatitude 52.98986
uwwLoadEnteringUWWTP 12743
uwwLongitude -6.98421
uwwName Athy Waste Water Treatment Plant
uwwNUTS IE062
uwwOtherTreatment 1
uwwPRemoval 1
uwwPrimaryTreatment 1
uwwPTotPerf P
uwwSecondaryTreatment 1
uwwState 1
uwwTSSPerf P

Connected to the following Agglomerations (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucAggCode IEAG_D0003 aucAggName Athy