StartT_UWWTPS › NL13010

repCode NL2020
rptMStateKey NL
uwwBOD5Perf P
uwwBODDischargeMeasured 75
uwwBODIncomingMeasured 4176
uwwCapacity 144000
uwwCODDischargeMeasured 604
uwwCode NL13010
uwwCODIncomingMeasured 9520
uwwCODPerf P
uwwCollectingSystem ISCON
uwwLatitude 52.39656666
uwwLoadEnteringUWWTP 190683
uwwLongitude 4.66875
uwwNDischargeMeasured 103
uwwNIncomingMeasured 812
uwwNRemoval 1
uwwNTotPerf NR
uwwNUTS NL324
uwwOtherTreatment 1
uwwPDischargeMeasured 25
uwwPIncomingMeasured 111
uwwPRemoval 1
uwwPrimaryTreatment 1
uwwPTotPerf NR
uwwSecondaryTreatment 1
uwwState 1
uwwTSSPerf NR

Connected to the following Agglomerations (table T_UWWTPAgglos)
aucAggCode NLA13010 aucAggName HAARLEM